Saturday, November 26, 2011


Life Doesnt always turn out what u plan to be....Like my mom said... She had a chance to get out....everyone told her to grandma said " Go now while you have a chance.Now nothing ties you to him...go!" but she didnt listen....

My mom calles it fate...but its not fate...its foolishness and blindness..

Before my grandma said what I said earlier mom was pregnant with a girl..... supposedly she looked like eyes...blond hair....white teeths..well everyone has white teeth...hmm... back to the topic..yea
after she was born in 1993 on December 14th she stayed awake for few more weeks till she feel back asleep because she couldnt catch a breath mom was devastated.everyone was...

You never really get over a death of your first never get over a death of your kid....

After few mom and dad had an argument and they split grandma and everyone told her to go away because now is the chance...but mom didnt listen....

mom went back....where after a year she got pregnant with two beautiful sister and me...

when we were mom was happy...she still is...she thinks we are the blessing send from god because when she lost one child now she gained two...

My mom is a great women...a women who honestly wouldnt hurt anyone..who would give the last penny in her beg to someone to make his day mom is an angel...

At the night we were born she asked my dad to buy some water for her and some diapers for us....
insted he went to the bar and celebrated our birth with friends...leaving mom alone...she then called my granddad who took care of us..bought us stuff we need....

my angel...well my grandmom and mom describeh im as very stricht when they were a kid....and my grandma..uff she gets angry at him every minute....she is an amzing cook and he is the only one who doesnt compiments her on her cooking..and she get angry.showing him fingers and tongue when he goes...funny guys :D

but I see my grandad as a great person...he makes me smile and he always has a good advice...
If i can call anyone my dad / father it would be one else

I kinda lost myself with where I was going but I will find and collect my though again...
There is so much that needs to be told...but lets consider this as a beginning...

With love and respect


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