Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Beginning

But with everything there must be a start...there must a beginning of some kind...and this is mine...

Today my mom came to me crying about having no one to tell this to.. she doent want to tell my grandmother becouse she will worry...he mother in law isn't an option either...and she doent want to tell her friends...My mom works at the store...she doesnt have much salary but what every she earnes she gives to dad to pay the bills and other things to and my sister...

Today she told me that she cant livel iek this for long..she bagged and cried in front of me..she begged god that he inflict my dad with some kind of accident that would make him not ever come back....might be cruel lie she told me...but its not...its the best thing for all of us...

MY father or whoever this person is...has been since day one a terrible person...he beats up my sister and me....
he gets angry by every little thing....he is not satisfied with anything.....
my mom has not slept in her room in years now becouse he threw her out..she is sleeping in the couch for a long time now.....she doesnt have a room...

she cooks,cleans,and does everything thats needed to be done...while my dad is on computer watching tv,get up,eats and goes back to sleep...

when something is trash not taken out before they are full ..he would get angry...threw the trash and hit someone...thats his way of showing u who is the boss

he told my mom today she is not living here...that she is nothing but a tenant to her.....
my angelic mom...she is near the breakdown.... I am scared she will do something to her.....and there is nothing that I can do about it....

maybe thats not a beggining ...there is so much that needs to be much that needs to be heard...and so much that I feel I have to answer

But Thats How Far I Came


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